Encounter Generators
Check out a curated list of our favorite generators to help you build the best D&D encounters.
Random Encounters AI
Use the drop-down menus to pick the size of your table and what kind of...
Kassoon D&D 5e Combat Generator / Calculator
Select the options you’d like to use or leave them all random, either way, generate...
Chaos Gen D&D 5E Encounter Builder
Select the level, terrain, and sources to generate lists of random encounters.
Aide D&D Encounter Builder
Add your PCs and their level and then add some monsters to quickly build encounters...
DonJon Random Quest Generator
Generate a list of ten different random encounters to use in your D&D games! Each...
DonJon Random Adventure Generator
Generate all the details you need for a random new adventure
DonJon 5e Random Encounter Generator
Generate a list of random encounters of varying difficulty based on party size and level
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